Registration Process

Withdrawal Process

The college prospectus for admission in various classes is available from the college office. The facility of downloading the college prospectus alongwith application form from the college website is also available. However, the prospectus fee will be charged extra at the time of registration for admission in such cases. Admissions will be made on the basis of merit as per rules and regulations of Sri Dev Suman University and the college. For further enquiry, contact the college office. Any related enquiry may be made through the college website also.

Admission Rules:

Admission to all courses shall be given to eligible candidates based on marks in the qualifying examination. Reservation of seats will be done in accordance with the rules and instructions by the state government. As per University rules and regulations, appropriate weightage will be adjusted while preparing merit list.

How to Apply for Admission-

The candidate must submit the application form duly filled in and complete in all respects to the college within the prescribed dates along with all necessary documents that as follows:

  • Attested copies of mark-sheets of the examinations passed.
  • Character certificate from Principal of the institution last attended.
  • T.C. from the institution last attended.
  • Attested copy of High School Certificate.
  • Two spare copies of passport size photographs.
  • No objection certificate of the employer in case of candidates engaged in any job.
  • Attested copy of caste/category certificates (only for horizontal/ vertical reservation, if required).


  • The college will not permit any candidate to change his / her category for horizontal / vertical reservation after the receipt of completed application form.
  • For seeking admission, a selected candidate shall have to present himself/herself for interview before the Admission Committee concerned for interview along with their original certificates/testimonials. A candidate who does not attend the interview shall not be admitted.
  • They must submit Migration certificate within one month from the date of admission if earlier enrolled in some other University.
  • The college will cancel the admission of a student at any time during the session in case it is detected that the student has given incorrect information or concealed certain facts. In such cases, all fees and other dues paid by the student up to the date of cancellation would be forfeited. The college authorities may take any further action against him/her as per rules.
  • The Principal decision shall be final and binding regarding interpretation of rules for admission.
  • All the admissions to the courses are provisional and subject to the approval of the Sri Dev Suman University.
  • Notwithstanding any rule incorporated in the Prospectus [Information Brochure], the Principal reserves the right of admission.
  • In case of doubt, students are requested to consult the Admission Coordinator so that difficulties are avoided later on.
  • Students are subject to disciplinary jurisdiction of the college and the university and have to abide by their rules and regulations issued from time to time.

General Guidelines:

  • Ragging is strictly banned. Any student found indulging in ragging, committing or abetting ragging shall be punished. The complainants can directly approach the Principal / Chief Proctor.
  • Students are strictly advised not to bring outsiders with them in the college premises
  • Use of mobile phones in the college premises is strictly prohibited.
  • Students must keep their vehicles at cycle/scooter/car stand.
  • Students must be punctual in their classes.
  • Students must fulfill the requirement of minimum 75 per cent attendance to be able to appear at the university examination.
  • Smoking in the college is strictly prohibited
  • Students should read the college notice board daily to know the latest notices. Displayed notices on the college notice board are deemed to have been served on the students. There will be no excuse for non-compliance of orders due to ignorance of orders duly displayed on the notice board.

Withdrawal Process

A clear one month’s notice in written or one month’s fee in lieu of notice must be given before a student can be withdrawn. Transfer certificate on request of withdrawal will be issued only after all the dues of the school have been cleared. Transfer certificate may be delayed due to non-submission of the authentic proof of date of birth by the guardian for the school record.

Additional Information

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Morbi congue lectus non sem tempus semper

Donec sollicitudin lacus in felis luctus blandit. Ut hendrerit mattis justo at suscipit. Vivamus orci urna, ornare vitae tellus in, condimentum imperdiet eros. Maecenas accumsan, massa nec vulputate congue, dolor erat ullamcorper dolor, ac aliquam eros sem in dui. In eu sagittis metus. Proin consectetur suscipit dui sed euismod. Suspendisse dolor risus, venenatis eget lacus eu, ultrices euismod magna.

  • Aliquam justo lorem, commodo eget tristique non
  • Curabitur vehicula leo accumsan, varius tellus vitae
  • Pellentesque imperdiet, leo ut pulvinar facilisis
  • Aliquam justo lorem, commodo eget tristique non
  • Curabitur vehicula leo accumsan, varius tellus vitae
  • Pellentesque imperdiet, leo ut pulvinar facilisis